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Distributed mode


The following diagrams explain what is meant by "distributed mode".

  • Data are stored on decentralized servers
  • The general mapping (or "Web application") will search these servers to display them

Access to the schemas

Working documentImage
Here is a very simple schema to avoid getting lost in the details. Collectively improvable schema in Figma
Here is a schema with more details. schéma améliorable collectivement sous Figma.
To see a "global view" of the Carto4CH project architecture, see this collectively improvable schema in Figma.
To better understand the different modes of data hosting, the notions of "decentralization" or "distribution", see this collectively improvable schema under Figma.
To understand the data interconnection mechanism in SemApps. See this collectively improvable schema under Figma.
To understand the mirroring mechanism in SemApps, allowing a federated search, see this collectively improvable schema under Figma.